offense against decency 意味
- 不作法{ぶさほう}
- offense offense, 《英》 offence n. 違反; 罪, 犯罪; 気を悪くすること, 立腹; 攻撃. 【動詞+】 If you use
- against against prep. …に反対して; …と向かいあって; …にもたれかかって. 【副詞】 I am dead against the use
- decency decency n. 礼節; 体裁. 【動詞+】 These people have no decency.
- offense against public decency 社会{しゃかい}の良識{りょうしき}を乱す罪
- offend against decency 品位{ひんい}を汚す
- offenses against public decency 風俗壊乱{ふうぞく かいらん}
- outrage against public decency 公序良俗{こうじょ りょうぞく}を乱す行為{こうい}
- sin against public decency 良俗{りょうぞく}に背く
- commit an offense against ~に違反{いはん}する
- offense against humanity 人道に反する行為
- offense against the buddhist commandments offense against the Buddhist commandments 破戒 はかい
- offense against the law 法律違反{ほうりつ いはん}
- offense against the sine condition offense against the sine condition 正弦条件からのずれ[基礎]
- offense against the state 国家{こっか}に対する犯罪{はんざい}
- trivial offense against the law ささいな法律違反{ほうりつ いはん}